Brandon hasn’t had to see a doctor or go to a clinic in 6 days. Seems like a long time. He’s feeling about the same, which isn’t great. He still has no energy to do the things he’d like to do. He was able to get out of the house over the weekend to run a short errand with Kristen, but he was hoping to feel up to doing more. The medication they gave him to help with energy didn’t do the trick, and the medication they have been giving him to help with nausea doesn’t always work either. Of course, he’s getting a one-two punch since his cancer is in his abdomen. If it’s not the chemo causing nausea, it’s the cancer itself. He’s trying his best to eat and maintain weight, but it’s a difficult battle for him.
He’s on a break from chemo for another week, but he has an appointment to see his oncologist on Thursday. They will run labs, and perhaps the doctor will have some other ideas for treating his symptoms.
Brandon has the heart and the will to fight, and that is what’s important. His body needs to get with the program! As always, we are praying for his strength and energy to return.
Hang in there! We are all pulling for you. Several people ask me everyday about you. You have an army willing you to get well:) I got half of my sidekicks back today, now I just need the other, you!! Keep fighting and keep those positive thoughts. Miracles happen everyday!
So many people love you and are fighting alongside you, Brando! Praying for your appointment on Thursday and for God to lay his hands on you for total healing. ❤️ Kristen, we are here if you need us!
I sure hope things are going better for you and you are getting some strength back. Prayers for you every day my friend. Keep up the good fight.