Brandon didn’t have a great weekend. He is continuing to lose weight and sleeps more often. He’s always tired, no matter how much sleep he gets, and controlling the pain is becoming more difficult. He hasn’t been able to keep food down, although he still tries to eat. The doctor said he might need to be admitted to the hospital if he got to a point where he couldn’t keep anything down, but Brandon just wants to be comfortable at home. You can’t blame him.
We wanted to follow up Brandon’s post with a thank you of our own to everyone who came out to see him and support him last weekend. The turnout was truly amazing, especially with the cold weather and pouring rain. We were so touched by the number of people who care about him and shared their “Brandon” stories with us. We wanted to share a few pictures, especially for those of you who weren’t able to make it. The number of people in the group picture doesn’t even reflect half of the number who came out. So many friends, so much love!
Sorry we missed it.
Great pictures! I’m still praying for Brandon and the family!
Brandon – Just wanted to let you know that we are doing a Mega Millions pot at work and we have put you in (you owe me $4). There are 12 of us so far and I just need you to figure out how much we each will get but I am still not giving you a check before we win. LOL! Love to you and your family!
man you swaggin on them big dawg I see you , I love you ! same spirts